Somatic Bodywork & Movement Arts

Katie Hopkins

LMBT NC #14546, RYT 200
Somatic Bodywork & Movement Specialist
Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, and Thai Massage Practitioner


I am Katie— a licensed bodyworker, movement educator, anatomy nerd, lover of dance, expression, and play!

I facilitate events, workshops, and 1:1 bodywork sessions for discovering the body’s breathing, feeling, and movement potential.

My own journey with self-acceptance, anxiety, and grief has led me to body-based practices like breathwork, hands-on healing, dance, and yoga.

I believe the body is our vehicle for expression, holding innate wisdom for moving through life with stability and ease.

It is my passion to be of service to others, helping navigate the physical form to find energetic balance and fluidity.

Align & Spiral
a line and spiral,
structure and flow,
discipline and play.
The ordered arrangement of parts
the cosmic shape whence life unfurls—
conscious growth.